Friday, December 5, 2008

A little bit random.

A few things I'm currently loving:

1. Britney's new CD - It's all great, but I especially enjoy "Blur" and "Mannequin."
2. Sour Patch Kids - The yellow ones are my favorite.
3. Robert Pattinson's singing voice - It's definitely not expected. There's something gritty about it that I really love.
4. The weather in NYC - The cold is my friend, when I'm bundled. As long as the rain stays away while I'm outdoors.
5. August: Osage County - I saw it last night and it was seriously the best play I've ever seen.
6. The Christmas spirit - I haven't grimaced at a tourist all week.
7. Festive nail polish - By this, I don't mean snowflakes and trees drawn on. I mean, deep reds and greens.
8. Counting down the days until I get to go home for the holidays! Not counting today, 13 days (only 9 work days)!

I've decided I want to hit 100 posts by the new year. This one is #80, so expect a little less than a post-a-day between now and then. It's Christmas-Blog-a-Palooza! Sure, I might sacrifice content, but it's not like I'm going for a Pulitzer here.


Samantha said...

shooooooooooooooot. I hit 100 today. but i promise to comment on just about every one your posts. After all I am an enabler.

Katherine said...

1. amen.
2. Me too. I also like the red ones.
3. I will check this out!
4. I hate cold, but I did mark NYC 3rd on my 'highly preferred' list.
5. I AM SO JEALOUS! I have been wanting to see that for months!
6. someone's on the 'nice' list
7. In middle school - the first time I was allowed to have painted nails - my bff at the time painted my nails alternating red and green. This was so it would look cool while I played clarinet at a holiday party.
8. too bad I have finals...

I love you to the moon and back!