Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Hark, the herald angels SING!

I know I should be talking about the holidays, since it's December 24 and all, but I have something different in mind. If you know me at all, you know that music is a very big deal to me. In fact, it might be my very favorite thing. I'm kind of weird in the way I listen to music, though. Maybe I have an obsessive personality, but I get on these kicks where I have a few favorite songs that I just listen to on repeat - over and over and over again. I don't even notice that I've listened to a song 50 times in one day until someone points out the fact that they might like to hear something else. Oops. So, since it's the gift giving season, I will give you the gift of my current playlist. I know, I'm so generous.

1. Supermassive Black Hole, by Muse
Sometimes a song just makes you feel like a superhero. This is one of those. Seriously, it comes on when I'm walking down the street and I feel like I can conquer anything. Needless to say, I have to put this one on at work a lot.

2. Are You There, from Bare
Any song sung by Matt Doyle is amazing in my book. There's just something so uplifting about this song, in which two very different people connect over sharing similar feelings of confusion and doubt. The song is beautifully composed and wonderfully sung. It also happens to be my current ringtone.

3. Cathedrals, by Jump Little Children
This song is so haunting. The sweet, simple melody and the poignant lyrics make it something I could listen to a million times and more. I've been working on playing it on the guitar and piano this week, and I think I've just about got it right.

4. All My Bells Are Ringing, by Lenka
I love non-traditional Christmas songs. Don't get me wrong, I will always prefer some O Holy Night or Silent Night, but you also need a little bit of upbeat Christmas goodness. Lenka's song has a great retro-vibe and makes me want to dance every single time.

5. Mannequin, by Britney Spears
Britney's back, y'all. I do love her entire Circus album, but for some reason this song sticks out me. I think that I'm noticing a vibe here at the end of this very short playlist. I like dancing songs. While Lenka's is great for Christmas, I feel like I will be doing a lot of champagne-induced moves to Britney on New Year's Eve.

That's it for now. Be prepared for several new posts in the next few days, because I'm only 8 away from hitting my goal of 100 before 2009!

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