Tuesday, January 6, 2009


"Just tell me G.G.
Three words, eight letters
Wanna be your rock, girl
Be your steps at the Metters"

This is entirely too funny. If you're as big a fan of The Greatest Show of Our Time as I am, you will love this. At least I hope. See how many references you can catch.

And you know that I most certainly do love this show entirely too much. I wanted to point a couple of things out. First, the Pinkberry that is a frequent setting for last night's episode is the very same one my friends and I frequent on 2nd Avenue in the 50s (55th, I think?). Also, I was bored on my way home from work yesterday and decided to watch an episode on my iPhone while en route. It was simply beautiful and poetic that as I passed the Met, the girls were gathering for their breakfast on the steps in GG world. Love it.