Friday, October 31, 2008

what a week (or two)

It has been quite exciting and eventful around here for the past couple of weeks, which hasn't left a lot of time for keeping in touch, or blogging. Here's what's kept me busy.

Tuesday, 10/21:
I saw 13 for a second time, for two reasons. I wanted to see what changes they had made since previews, and the real reason -- Jason Robert Brown was having a talk-back with the audience afterward. I got to see/hear one of my idols sing and play the piano! Fabulous. Also, my friend Jessica came in from Norman.

Wednesday, 10/22:
Jessica and I got to spend some time together, when I wasn't working. We walked my favorite route through Central Park and did some typical touristy stops. I also got some beautiful shoes from Bloomingdales.

Thursday, 10/23:
Besides the fact that it was my half-birthday, I went with some friends to the midnight premiere of High School Musical 3. But I've already blogged about all that.

Friday, 10/24:
On a whim, I got a student rush ticket to Tale of Two Cities. Twenty five bucks for front-row center? Yes, please. It was fun sitting right behind the conductor, and I love being right up close for the curtain call. I honestly didn't expect much from this show, but I happened to love it. Sure, there are plenty of things wrong with it, but I really enjoyed it. And now I'm re-reading the Dicken's book it's based on.

Saturday, 10/25:
Jes and I did a lot more running around on Saturday. We started with brunch at my favorite spot, Sarabeth's (on the Upper West Side, though the one on Central Park South is equally adorable). That afternoon, we saw Altar Boyz. The best part was when they busted out Lambchop. We ended the day with more shopping in the magical corner of 5th Avenue - Bendel's, Tiffany's, Bergdorf's, etc. And we made friends with Whitney, a doorman at Tiffany's. Finally, we headed to Junior's for some amazing cheesecake.

Sunday, 10/26:
I got to sleep in, which is a rare occurance, even on my days off. Then, I spent the afternoon browsing piano music at The Colony, where I found the CAMP piano book. And then I got yet another great seat at a cheap price to Chicago. I was sad I didn't get to see the OU production, so I figured the Broadway show was a worthy substitute.

Monday, 10/27:
As I posted about below, I went to the Wicked 5th anniversary special, The Yellow Brick Road Not Taken. Might I mention that Rufus from Gossip Girl, Justin from Ugly Betty, and the one and only Mario Cantone were there? I had a blast and really enjoyed the performance, which was an early draft of the first act. I must say, it is a good thing they made the changes they did, however. And, it kind of rekindled my love for the music, because I was kind of way over Wicked prior to Monday night.

Tuesday, 10/28:
Sarah, Rena and I went to see The Phantom of the Opera after work. It was Sarah's 5th time seeing it, my first time seeing it live (surprising, I know), and Rena's first Broadway show ever! And of course, it's Phantom, so it was beautiful. Also worth mentioning is that I ate Thai food and actually liked it. That's a big deal. Ha!

Wednesday, 10/29:
Wednesday was jam-packed, in preparation for next week's deadline and this weekend's trip. I did have time, however, to see the amazing Chanel Mobile Art exhibit with Flavia and Kayleigh. It was the single most incredible exhibition I've participated in. I loved the way you were immersed in the experience, rather than being a passive observer. I could go on and on about it, but this post is already getting long, so I'll leave it at that for now.

Thursday, 10/30:
I got on the Super Shuttle to the airport at 3:00 a.m., because this weekend I got to take a trip to Tennessee to visit my family! Though traveling on 2 hours of sleep and working for hours after landing was not particularly fun or exciting, the evening was great. Mom and I baked cookies, I got to play the piano for a couple of hours, I watched Grey's Anatomy for the first time all season, and I went to bed with Bridget, our Scottie, curled up at my feet. Life is good.

That brings us up to today. I have lots to do, so I'm going to end this post now, but I'm sure I'll have plenty to say about my visit to my mom's house. I hope you have a very happy Halloween, and don't let the crazies get you!

1 comment:

Megan said...

I'm glad you got to venture home and it sounds like you have been crazy busy of course! I don't expect less from you... You need to fit Spamalot into your schedule! I'm jealous of your life!