Saturday, June 28, 2008

T-minus 18 hours...

I had written this whole post involving my excitement about a Ross/Emily moment*, Girl Talk**, Sooner Swirls from the Mont, haircuts with my favorite hairdresser ever, etc. ad nauseum, but the whole point comes across much more clearly when I just say:

OMGosh, I'm going to be in the heartland TODAY***!

=) =) =)

*These are "deep moments" when we make crazy realizations about how odd the world is. If you know us very well, you'll totally understand. If not, I might make a clarifying post at another time. Perhaps.

** Go there, download his latest album. You won't regret it.

***Technically, I leave for OK today, since I'm currently in EST. However, I won't arrive until
tomorrow, if you're on Oklahoma time.

****I stole the idea of these little explanatory asterisks from Traci Anne. But it's just so helpful, I couldn't help it.


Megan said...

Hi love!!!! I decided to develop my own blog, so now we can communicate back and forth on here! So glad I know what you are up to! And I'm so excited for your new adventure! Love you!

Anonymous said...


*the girl I love

Jordan said...

I can't even describe just how sad I am that I'm not in Norman with you right now. :(

Jordan said...

Fantastic voicemail from the Mont. Absolutely perfect. :)