Sunday, June 8, 2008

Decent Days and Nights

This is a brand new problem, a problem without any clues.
If you know the clues, it's easy to get through.
But you look confused and you don't know what to do.
It's hard to get an answer when you haven't got a clue.
If you work it out, tell me what you find.
We could have a few decent days and nights.
- The Futureheads, Decent Days and Nights

After a short span of time in which my days oscillated between the very good and the very bad, things have reached some sort of equilibrium, resulting in a series of decent days and nights. The only downside is that I seem to have the two confused.

I try to go to bed at a relatively normal hour, really I do. But even the soothing sounds of Rufus Wainwright and a couple of Tylenol PMs don't lull me into a sound enough sleep to prevent the nightmares. I wish I could explain them, but I can't. Sometimes I can't even remember what happened, only that it woke me up with a pounding heart and watery eyes. And nobody wants to go back to sleep when that's the kind of thing they have to look forward to.

So maybe I should rephrase the title. Decent days is right, but nights... not so much.


Sunday night I got to bed by 1 a.m. (a significant improvement), and I had one of the funniest dreams ever. It involved a very unusual location for U-Sing auditions, Peter Pan, two of my friends from high school moving into a certain Greek house, baseball games in New York City and a very interesting coffeeshop. Now let's just cross our fingers that last night wasn't a fluke and that my bad luck with sleep is over!


LA said...

I've been having quite a few nightmares as well, ones I can not fully remember or understand. For a time, I thought the nightmares were related to fears over planning a wedding, but after the one I had last night, I'm thinking it's more than that.

Here's to wishing us both peaceful nights sleep.

Brandon said...
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Anonymous said...

I believe things are looking up. For us all. =)

Jordan said...

Hooray for good dreams! And hooray for Emily finding a roommate and getting a quirky mentor! :)

Mucho amor from Espana!