Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Good morning, Baltimore!

"...Every day's like an open door!
Every night's like a fantasy!
Every sound's like a symphony!"
- Tracy Turnblad, Hairspray

I have been released from the pit of despair known as boredom. Okay, that was a little melo-dramatic, but I'm very excited because (drumroll, please)... I have a project! With just less than a month left until I move to the city, I was starting to go slightly crazy from a lack of productivity. I mean, my little aspirations of expanding my piano repertoire and dabbling in new languages could only keep me distracted for so long.

But I digress. I got several emails from a lovely lady named Kelly at TFA - though I suppose I shouldn't assume it's a woman, since the only two Kelly/Kelys I personally know are men - with some information and (here comes the best part) action items. :)

Prep work, books by Wendy Kopp, and starter kits, oh my! All that, plus the ever looming task of apartment hunting should keep me busy, interested and excited up until the big day.

P.S. The blog title refers to the only thing I know about Baltimore, MD. This is relevant because that's where I'll go the second week of work for a big recruitment conference. I suppose after that I'll know a lot more, right? :) And I think the sentiment of the lyrics is quite appropriate for my sunny disposition.

P.P.S. Prior to receiving said emails, I intended for the post to be Part 2 of my Places I Love series. That will have to come later, but here's a hint about where it is: "Brand new state, gonna treat you great!"


kolls said...

Well hey there, hon! When're you going to be up here? Less than a month, right? (Clearly I'm still going through your blog :)) There's a church up here called Redeemer that's supposed to be good, but I don't know anyone (my age) who goes/goes to church! So I'm just gonna go ahead and throw this out here - when you get up here, if you'd like to accompany me on my church shopping expedition, that'd be fantastic!

Also, where in Texas and which sorority? :) (And now I have Boomer Sooner stuck in my head, oh goodness.)

Jordan said...

That's right Oklahoma is one of your favorite places! And don't you forget it!

And I'm so incredibly excited for you to get started with everything! I know the wait has seemed unbearable, but remember that amazing things come to those who wait. :)

Brandon said...

Hello miss!

Jordan said...

Two things back to you.

1. H&M is high end compared to the stores we have in Sooner Fashion. I think about the highest end we have is Steinmart.

2. Damn right I´m teacher´s pet. All I gotta do is flash the winning smile and it gets them every time. :)

Katherine said...

I am so happy to hear that you have something to do and that you also like Hairspray!!!!

I too am in love with MIA and just recently downloaded Boyz!

I don't know how I feel about Kate Perry's big hit. I mean it's a fun catchy song, but does does it encourage younger people to experiment bi-curiously and if so is that okay? I mean does that (perhaps unintentionally) hurt the gay community?

Something to ponder, I'm interested in hearing what you think!

I love you!