Friday, June 13, 2008

I love Jesus, but I drink a little.

For Sam, every Wednesday is educational day. For Team Spice Up Your Life, Sunday is the weekly roundup. For me, Fridays are going to be my day to wrap everything up in a nice little package to tell you how things are going for me. (We'll see exactly how long I keep this up.) But here's round one of "yet to be titled series of posts" - suggestions welcome.

I have...
25 days until I leave for the City. And while that sounds like an eternity to me at first glance, upon closer examination it is coming up crazy soon. Heck yes.

I want...
to go on a shopping binge at Sephora, really badly. That store could be my budgetary downfall, if there were one nearby. I'd go online, but it's just not the same as gliding into the glistening glory of beauty supplies that lies within those black and white walls.

I need...
to find an apartment. And to figure out how to get my stuff moved up there. And to finish going through all my junk. Blah, logistics bore me.

I'm obsessing over...
Edward Cullen. If you need to ask, you wouldn't understand. But Jes sure does! :)

I dislike...
the fact that even though I'm in the South, people have no manners here. Rude treatment in New York, I'll slough off. But these people in Tennessee could use a lesson or two from a Yellow Rose of Texas.

I'm reading...
Lamb, by Christopher Moore, at the suggestion of one Mr. Jordan Carlton. And I'm finishing a book that was a gift from Sarah, called What Would Audrey Do? It's delightful - naturally so, since it's all about Audrey Hepburn.

I'm watching...
TV on DVD. All my shows are over for the season, so until the new Project Runway kicks off, I'm making do with Will & Grace, Sex & the City, Grey's Anatomy and The OC.

I'm listening to...
MIA, Katy Perry and Lupe's disks on repeat. And it wouldn't be summertime if I wasn't blasting 3EB's Out of the Vein. But my current favorite track is "Your Love" by The Outfield. It's exceptionally 80s-esque and full of happiness. Katy Perry even did a cover/remix, but I'm digging the original still.

I'm Googling/YouTubing/StumbleUponing...
This cracks me up every time. It's an oldie, but a goodie. Enjoy.

I'm remembering...
Some great inside jokes from the past couple of years by reading my Wall-To-Wall on FB with various people. I have to include a handful, just to see who remembers them:
PATNB. TDB. Toast! Jorge. Barbie on ice. Man-giggle. PeterAnswers. McEngineer. "You KNOW I'll win." 1,2,3 and A-Z. Sister Fact.

I love...
sitting at the piano, playing my showtunes. It's still the best part of my days this summer. I've pretty much mastered my favorites from Chicago, Spring Awakening, Rent, Wicked and Camp by now. If only I could memorize them.

I'm thankful for...
the gorgeous weather we've been having.

Well that was fun! Look for round 2 next week! And don't forget to help me think of a name for this new ritual. Loves it and you.


Samantha said...

How bout something simple like "The Weekly Roundup"? Yes we were not cowboys, but Sooners were ranchers and they had cows to round up too!

and i guess it's alright. maybe i just haven't been sucked in yet.

still not sure about that edward cullen he's a vampire but the most amazing guy ever deal....

and finally i'm extremely jealous of the good weather. it's rain....rain....rain....rain....and more rain here.

Samantha said...

or maybe you could leave it, just as "I love Jesus, but I drink a little."

Jordan said...

Okay, I'm sorry Emmy, but you're going to have to drop this "weekly update" thing. I'm need to hear about you far more frequently than that.

Anonymous said...

*I don't care what anyone says.. screw Prince Charming and give me Edward Cullen any day!!

*maybe.. you could do your regular blogging and then reiterate the highlights at the end of the week??