Friday, September 19, 2008

Happy 1DL!

Today is the 1st application deadline for Teach For America. (You potential applicants, be sure to get your application completed by 2:59 a.m. EST tonight!) This means that there's a different vibe around the office. Some people are going nuts with things to finish, others are more chill, but everyone's excited to see how many people apply to be a part of the movement.

In the meantime, everyone is sending around fun little "inspirational" links, myself included. It started when one of our directors, Rachel, Rick-Rolled our cohort, and it got passed along to the entire RT. So, not to be outdone, I passed a link to this lovely video. Try not to fall out of your chair or pee your pants.

Happy 1DL everyone, and watch out for the Bobby Batroniks out there.

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