Friday, August 22, 2008

Working for the Weekend

Everybody's workin' for the weekend.
Everybody wants a new romance.
Everybody's goin' off the deep end.
Everybody needs a second chance.
-- Loverboy, "Working for the Weekend"
Thank God that week is over. I've never been so ready for a weekend countdown, y'all. Seriously. As we used to say back in Texas, "BLESS." That's my commentary for what this ridiculous week turned out to be.

Apparently, it was rough all around the office, because all of my coworkers feel exactly the same way. Of course, they don't say things like "BLESS", since they're not Southerners for the most part. So I am extremely pleased to have my first real weekend since I've moved to New York. It's kind of crazy that I've lived here for so long now and have yet to spend a weekend here, in town, doing just what I want to.

I was actually supposed to be in Tallahassee today and tomorrow for work, but a certain tropical storm named Fay stopped that from happening. Silly hurricanes.

So what am I going to do with this gift of a weekend? I'm equipping myself with a good book - I found a historical fiction about Alexander, who is my favorite human in history, a camera, my Metrocard, a map of Central Park and all the time I want to spend wandering around. I'm also bringing along Where to Wear, the ultimate shopping guide to the city, and New York's 50 Best Places to Enjoy Dessert. You know, just in case.

P.S. For you Sooners, I bought my plane tickets this week for my visit back to the land where the wind comes sweeping down the plains. Prepare yourself because I'm coming home in a month! =) And if anyone has a spare student ticket to the TCU game, help a girl out!


Samantha said...

glad you had a weekend to yourself. and glad you get to see my face that weekend.

LA said...

a free weekend. sigh. i am ready for one of those; i don't know if i will ever have one again. i am struggling to remember it's okay for me to relax at home. and enjoy your weekend in oklahoma. i'll likely be busy enjoying marital bliss. wish you could be at the wedding~

Samantha said...

so i've been thinking and I've decided that there should be a bus on our PLBD for Life shirts. thoughts?