Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Overheard in Norman/NY

Soon, I'll be transitioning from overhearing things like this:

Guy arguing with crazy preacher woman: Was King James a homosexual? Yes he was!
-- outside Dale Hall

Fratty guy: Wait, bro, can you drive, I can't get another DUI.
-- in line for Scandals tickets

Hippy guy: Let's buy a bunch of incense to cover up the smell of weed.
-- Medieval Fair

Singing voice coming from next room over: Greg is gonna get laid this summer. But she'll probably be a prostitute.
-- Phi Delta Theta

To overhearing things like this:

College girl #1: If you have holes in your pants and it's winter, you're not making a fashion statement, you're poor.

College girl #2: But she was wearing leggings under them...

College girl #1: No, I don't care. She's poor.

--St. John's University

Chick, to loudly burping friend: Oh my god, did you seriously just burp out loud in Bergdorf's? Who are you?!


Drunk frat guy: I don't know about you fellas, but I'm going to Narnia. Shazam! [Dives head first into a wardrobe.]

-- NYU dorm

But before I can get wrapped up in all that, I have to work on this whole "graduating college" thing. Two finals tomorrow and then I'm done with schoolwork. Like forever. Which is incredibly exciting. But along with it comes some sad goodbyes. So before I get all teary-eyed, I'm going to force myself to study. Ugh.

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