Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Dreams be Dreams, and other songs by Jack Johnson.

If you have known me very long, you have probably heard me recount one of my highly detailed, cinematic, extremely weird dreams. I dream in Technicolor – my dreams always have a distinct plot line, fully fleshed-out characters and such lurid dialogue that I often can remember complete dream conversations upon waking.

In fact, I used to think that everyone dreamed this way. I can’t remember a time in my life when I didn’t have strange little sagas playing in my head at night. Maybe it’s just because I have an active imagination. Maybe it’s because I can’t ever fully shut down my brain. Maybe it’s because I play movie scenes of my life in my head as I go through each day. Whatever the reason is, I love it. In fact, any morning I wake up and can vividly recall the film that flickered through my brain in the night, I feel like I’ve been given a sort of inspiration for the day.

It’s odd; I know. And the dreams vary so much. There are some that seem so real that I have to do a reality check in the morning. Some place my closest friends and me in outlandish situations. And then again, there are the ones that find me going through mundane scenarios with unusual casts of characters. There are some that end with me jolting up, tears in my eyes and my heart pounding in my chest. And sometimes – my favorite times – there are dreams so delightful I try to force myself back to sleep to continue them.

You know, Freud would love me. Oddly enough, though, I’ve never really attempted to analyze my dreams. I don’t keep a dream journal – though I’m always glad to share the ones I remember, especially with the people I find playing a role in them. Maybe I should start breaking them apart and seeing what the deeper meaning is. Or maybe I should start writing them down and pitching them as stories for screenplays. Either way, these dynamic dreams are just a part of who I am. I wonder what that says about me?

This is a random topic compared to what I usually write about. It’s just that I’ve been having a hell of a time getting any sleep lately, but when I do, I drift into some of the strangest stories. And, as it goes, I always leave you with some songs lyrics. So here is – appropriately – the “In Between Dreams Medley” by Jack Johnson.

I want to wake up
And find my way out from in between these dreams

It’s better when we’re together baby

You look so pretty sleeping next to me

But you never, never know
We feel so certain
But we don’t know a thing
Cept for when I wake up in the morning
And I’m sitting in the shade
Eating banana pancakes we made
With all the good people
Really not so hard to find
There’s no other way
When my mind is a mess well
I think that it’s best that we wait
So I’m sitting waiting wishing
That you would believe in some kind of superstitions baby
Then you could see if we staple it together
And call it bad weather
Oh now here I come.

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