Then you rock on baby, rock on, you rock on, on and on.
You're a summer time hottie with her socks in the air.
You're screaming, "I don't care, baby, I don't care!"
-- Third Eye Blind, Wounded
Isn't it weird that the day I feel most like a summer girl is one when it's drizzling and grey outside? I'll walk you through it.
Roughly 11:00 a.m. At some delightful hour this morning, I pleasantly stirred from a sweet slumber SANS nightmares. Gosh, that was exciting after a week of no good, very bad dreams. I had errands to run, so I got ready for the day and then headed out to experience the day. Only, the day was not as bright and shining as I would've liked. My mood is often closely linked to the weather, and today's forecast was hazy, with a chance of bitchiness. Pssh, but who needs weathermen anyway, right? I wasn't going to let this slight setback get in my way.
1:00 p.m. So I headed over to the salon to get my hair cut. This was something I was very nervous about. You see, in Norman, I found the best hairdresser ever, so there were great expectations going in to see this new girl. After it's all said and done, I don't love the new cut - so I won't post any pics of it yet - but I'm going to give it a couple of days and see if I can work some styling magic on it. I mean, it's just hair. It'll grow out.
1:40 p.m.
After that experience, I went for a little retail exercise. It was most definitely not an impulse buy, however; I had been planning this purchase ever since I laid eyes on the item and fell in love... yesterday. But seriously, you guys, these sunglasses were calling my name. White Ray-Ban Wayfarers, if you're interested in that sort of thing. So freaking awesome.
Sometime around, oh I don't know, 2:00 p.m.
I spent the afternoon working on various projects, getting little things accomplished, reading letters from some of my lovelies, etc. And then I got to hang out with my sister. She's a pretty neat kid. I mean, there's no one like her. (Seriously, she's, um, "quirky." It's presh.) We played around on Photobooth, listened to MIA and Katy Perry, and basically just acted like the weirdos we are. (Reference the evidence below.)

6:00 p.m.
It's day two of Vacation Bible School at the church where I'm helping out, so I headed that way. The drive is worth mentioned because I love riding around town with the windows and sunroof open, blasting the CD Ross burned for me. :) So, at VBS, my job is basically to wrangle a group of 4-year-olds, to make sure they get from place to place in one piece. It's harder than it sounded, ladies and gentlemen. But they're so adorable, I can barely stand it. My favorite is probably this little darling named CJ, who, when asked, "Can you tell us who wrote the Bible?" quickly shot his hand into the air and proclaimed, "I did!" Aww. Working with these kids has been so refreshing. However, it was neither adorable or refreshing when a woman today asked me which of the kids belonged to me. No, thank you. Not right now, at least.

9:30 p.m. VBS wraps up and Katie and I race to the movie theater, making it into our seats just in time for the beginning of Sex and the City. I know, I can't believe I hadn't seen it yet, either. I don't have much commentary, except that every time Carrie mentioned the 20-something girls who move to New York, I kept thinking, "That's me in 36 days!" :)12:00 a.m. I've just been hanging out, reflecting, Facebooking, reading blogs, and now sharing my amazing summer day with you guys. Kind of neat what a change of perspective can do for a girl's mood. Now I'm going to hopefully drift off to sleep without having to employ the lullabies of Rufus Wainwright, as I have the past few nights. Ciao, lovers.
P.S. If you got the reference of this post's title without even a second thought, then you are truly a person after my own heart. Loves.
1 comment:
am I after your heart or am I sleeping with Stephan Jenkins?
katherine the great
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