The cigarette ash flies in your eyes and you don't mind.
You smile and say the world doesn't fit with you.
I don't believe you; you're so serene -
Careening through the universe, your axis on a tilt.
You're guiltless and free. I hope you take a piece of me with you."
It's no secret that I am absolutely obsessed with Third Eye Blind. However, I've noticed that my love for all things 3EB always grows stronger in the summertime. I think the sunny, roll-the-windows-down vibe that their music gives off has something to do with it. In any case, I have been blasting their albums a lot lately. It brings back some very good memories - from camping out after high school graduation at Beaver's Bend to standing mere feet from SJ at the Tulsa concert last summer.
One of my favorite quotes ever comes from their front man, Stephan Jenkins:
"I think if it's not monumental, there's no point."
Well said. I mean, SJ is seriously the man. That's why I lovingly refer to him as "my future baby daddy." Be jealous, Kathy. Now, I just can't wait for their new project, Ursa Major, to be released.
In other news, I move to New York in less than two weeks. It's exciting/scary/nerve-wracking/heart-attack inducing/dream come true all wrapped into one strange ball of emotions for me right now. And something that is very encouraging about this whole situation is how excited I am to start my job. Honestly, at first I was worried that I wouldn't love it as much as I loved the idea of it. But as they continue giving me insight and assignments to prepare, it seems like the pieces I loved most about my PR classes, my job at PSS, and my experience on executive committees all hand-picked to give me the perfect place to start. That's so cool. Also, I'm bound and determined to make the transition into New York without an awkward tourist phase. I've already seen the sights on other visits, so that's out of my system. Now, the trick is to know my way around. I bought a book of maps of the city today, which I'm going to study like crazy. At the very least, I'll know what subway to take.
(And despite what SJ might say in Motorcycle Driveby, I don't believe that "New York City is evil.")
These days they’re not done, The red summer sun.My thoughts are warm, and they go deep inside of you. You got to steal the time from a life that’s passing by.
I. Love. YOU.
Can I just say how bummed I am about the lack of tourist transitionalism there will be in your life when you move? Seriously, why can't you just dress like a New Yorka' and act like you have very important business to attend to at all of these places? Seriously, so what if you have the urge to see them again? What am I going to do when I come to visit and you're like eh, no big deal. Seriously?! I can't imagine seeing the city for the first time without someone like you. And here we are, you've ripped my heart out before I could even become the TinMan.
Oh well. Loves you anyway.
It's not like I want to go see SaTC stuff. I can live without that. And yes I can pass on Wicked. But NOT going to Broadway at all!!!!! Have you read your about me statement in the last century? Not to mention, you've been watching legally blonde all this time on MTV and then you won't go see the new "Elle Woods." How many people can say that they have done those things? What kind of PLBD-er are you? What about the Yankees? Are you going to lose that commitment too? I mean that's like saying "I graduated from OU, I am never required to go to a game again." Of course you're required, you swore your allegiance to your alma mater. I mean really. And for the love, what is so wrong with taking a picture of you standing in the middle of Times Square or Central Park? Helloooo!!! Way cliche`? Of course, but would go waaay cool with your blog. I'm just sayin' is all.
NYC how awesome! Hope you have fun!
I think you might have misunderstood what I meant on the broadway/golf deal. Watching Legally Blonde on TV, or any musical for that matter, will never be the same experience as actually being in the audience. The same can be said for golf. Watching golf, or any sport for that matter will never have the same effect/impact as actually being in the crowd. I hope you understand what I mean now.
I do apologize for any miscommunication that was made.
P.S. my favorite Legally Blonde song right now is "Whipped into Shape".
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