Remember when Carrie Bradshaw in Sex in the City saw those perfect shoes in the store window and cooed those now famous words"? Yeah, that's the relationship I have with my shoes too, which is why it pained me so to go through the gut-wrenching procedure of paring down my collection of prized pumps, fabulous flats, wonderful wedges, stupendous sandals (and even a few snazzy sneakers).
I began the afternoon with a mildly-impressive 70 pairs, and now I'm down to a somewhat satisfactory 43. I'm sure that will be quickly remedied when I get to the city, however. I'm forcing myself not to shop until then - you know, being frugal and everything. It helps that there's no such thing as Shoetopia in Tennessee.
Taking a turn to a completely different topic, I've started on my second summer playlist, which reminded me that I never posted my first. Check out these songs and tell me what you think!
Emily's 1st Summer Mix of 2008:
1. Handlebars - Flobots
2. Any Way You Choose to Give It - The Black Ghosts
3. Blankest Year - Nada Surf
4. Graveyard Girl - M83
5. Holiday from Real - Jack's Mannequin
6. Elvis - These New Puritans
7. That's Not My Name - The Ting Tings
8. Rain On Young Folks - Phillip Dillon
9. I Wanna Deadbeat You - The Night Marchers
10. Rich Girls - The Virgins
11. Sour Cherry - The Kills
12. Head Rolls Off - Frightened Rabbit
13. Ladies of the World - Flight of the Conchords
14. Love on the Rocks - Sara Bareilles
15. Daft Punk is Playing at my House - LCD Soundsystem
16. Abandon - French Kicks
17. Impossible - Shout Out Louds
18. Big Guns (Dave P. and Adam Sparkles It Hot Remix) - Holy Hail
By the way, all of those wonderful free links came from this cool Web site called Songza. It's "the music search engine and internet jukebox." Pretty cool. Unfortch, I couldn't find the last song on there, but it's on iTunes.
I figure I'll forego the lyrics on this post since I gave you a lot of music to listen to instead. :)
This is hard. Twenty days down, but nearly 40 to go. I thought the longer I was here, the easier it would be to deal with not having my people close by, but some days it feels like it's just getting harder. Missing people hurts worse when you don't have a countdown to count on.
Hello hello my love. I just have a couple of comments. First of all, are you sure its only 70 pairs? Cause I'm pretty sure you could open up your own shoe store and be in business for at least three years before they're all sold.
Secondly, awesome playlist. You know how I'm always on the lookout for some new music.
And third, I just read your high/low post and thought it was really interesting so I wanted to do it now.
High = I'm in Spain and everything is a total rush. Every single thing I do, no matter how big or small, gives this crazy burst of adrenaline.
Low = I'm starting to get homesick and it's making me mad at myself for doing it! But you would be amazed how easy it is to get homesick when you're on another continent with almost 3 months before you get to come home.
Okay. Longest comment ever. Lo siento. Love you!
"Occasions, persuasions clutter your mind /Incense and peppermints, the color of time. "
psychadelic drugs songs from the sixties make me happy.
that was random.
I hope you are feeling better in every way. I miss you like whoa.
I watched the MTV awards and I wish I was in your company because we would have shared many many laughs.
love you.
SaTC was an excellent movie. I thought of you the whole time.
update plue one completed.
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