Then it was back to the city and "real life", if you can call it that. I've already caught up with most of my lovelies here in a span of 2 days, so you could call that a success. I also consider it a success that I was able to introduce Emma to the joy of Will & Grace. Seriously, she'd never seen it. Ridiculous, I know.
Somehow in that span of two days, I've also managed to hit up several of my favorite eateries, at least the ones in my neighborhood. Just FYI, ice cream shouldn't crunch - Five Napkin seems to have issues with their desserts, but we always come back. And it was a small joy that the barista at Amy's Bread remembered how I take my tea. Sure, it was only a matter of weeks since I'd been there, but considering how frequently I'm usually there, I considered it a success.
Yesterday was also a sad day - the final performance of Aaron Tveit (and therefore the OBC) in next to normal. Louise and I went, sitting in excellent seats I was able to get thanks to a tip from Adam, and cried our little eyes out.

Now it's back to work. Joy.
I was there too, in row B! I came down from Massachusetts to see it. Incredible, amazing, especially the reprise with Aaron and Bobby Spencer and I Am the One.
Wasn't it a fantastic show? I'm so glad I got to see it. We were just a few rows ahead of you (BB)- my friend took that photo I posted. Teri Hatcher was sitting right behind me, actually.
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