First of all, I apologize. I've been terrible at updating. Maybe I should update more often with little blips of info, so that the task doesn't seem so daunting when I feel like I have nothing significant to say, which is the current scenario. Nothing terribly exciting is happening right now for me. Mostly, I'm just looking forward. What am I looking forward to, you might ask? (Now you're wondering how I read your mind. I'm psychic.)
First of all, I am so stoked for tomorrow at 6:00 p.m. because that = the end of our final application deadline. Well, at least for me. The deadline is technically midnight, EST. So if you're reading this and are planning to apply to TFA, hit submit! It's going to be nice to have a change of pace around the office. Plus, it's payday, and who doesn't love getting paid?
Then, miracle of miracles, we get a three day weekend. I should have planned ahead and organized myself a little trip to visit loved ones or something, but these 3-dayers always sneak up on me. So I'll spend the weekend here in the city, taking care of business and mostly just relaxing. Any suggestions for a TV show on DVD or book series that I could spend 72 hours diving into are greatly appreciated. Oh! And I just got an email informing me that Bendel's is having a sale. Sweet.
After that, I'm looking forward to the Spring Conference for TFA. It's always nice when everyone comes together from across the country, and I have a feeling this one will be OOC, particularly since deadlines are over. And there's a SundayFunday in the works.
Then comes March, filled with joy and joyness. First, I get to take a 5 day "weekend" to visit mi familia in Tennessee. Then perhaps I can convince some friends from OU that they want to spend their spring break in NYC. That would be awesome. And then on the very last day of March I'm going to the opening night performance of Hair on Broadway!
So, I have plenty to look forward to, but for today things are boring as always. Maybe I'll be back with more interesting things to say over the weekend. But don't hold your breath.